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Find Chapter Membership Information and Resources including member newsletters (current and previous editions), international resources, glossary of terms, and local chapter pages.


Tabs to all information are below. Be sure to keep your chapter page UP TO DATE by sending current information to the Website Committee

Chapter Membership Resources

Handouts and articles from International website

VIP Information

Current VIP Information and timeline


Current and past newsletters

Local Chapter Pages

Local Chapter news and photos on Fundraising, Programs, Social and Community, and New Members

Honoring Our Golden Girls!
View Them Here!


Glossary of Membership Terms
Active: A member who has paid her annual dues and has all privileges of the Sisterhood.

Ballot: A vote to issue an Invitation to Membership.

Inactive: A member who has forfeited the privileges offered in the business or special meetings of the Sisterhood by not paying her annual dues before March 1. An inactive member may be reinstated.

Initiate: A new active member who has just been given membership through the Ceremony of Initiation.

International Chapter: The highest body of the P.E.O. Sisterhood. It consists of all the active members of the Sisterhood. The affairs of the International Chapter are managed by an executive board.

Lateral Transfer: Transfers the membership of a member to another chapter in the same area that meets at a more convenient day and/or time.

Mentor: Someone who agrees to assist a new sister in orienting into chapter life.

Nonparticipating: An active resident member who doesn’t attend or participate regularly in the life of the chapter.

Nonresident: An active member who lives too far away to regularly attend her chapter’s meetings.

Reciprocity Groups: Local chapters that unite to welcome unaffiliated P.E.O.s and to promote interaction among members in a particular area as well as our projects.

Reinstated Member: A member who—after relinquishing her membership—returns to active status by submitting a notification letter to her chapter, or to a chapter that has extended her an invitation to transfer, and paying the reinstatement fee.

Resident: An active member who lives in or around the city where the chapter is located and can regularly attend meetings.

Sponsor: Member who signs the Sponsor for Membership form proposing a woman for P.E.O. membership.

Transfer In: Term used by the chapter to which a member has transferred.

Transfer Out: Term used by the chapter from which a member has transferred.

Unaffiliate: An active member who lives in your community, but belongs to a chapter in another area.

VIP: Every sister is a Very Important P.E.O.



State Officers
White Flower

President - Mary Kegelman (G)

V.President - Charlot Sanders (I)

Organizer - Maureen Miller (N)

Treasurer - Kathy Mann (L)

Secretary - Karen Danke (G)

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