Delaware State Chapter, P.E.O.
Welcome to the website of Delaware State Chapter, P.E.O.
P.E.O. is a philanthropic organization where women celebrate the advancement of women; educate women through scholarships, grants, awards, loans, and stewardship of Cottey College; and motivate women to achieve their highest aspirations.
Friendship is the cornerstone of P.E.O. – it is the legacy left by our Founders and it thrives in our unique Sisterhood. P.E.O. exists to be a source of encouragement and support for women to realize their potential in whatever worthwhile endeavor they choose.
The P.E.O. Sisterhood is passionate about its mission: promoting educational opportunities for women. Our sisterhood proudly makes a difference in women's lives with six philanthropies that include ownership of a women's college, Cottey College, and five programs that provide higher educational assistance:
P.E.O. Educational Loan Fund (established 1907)
P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship Fund (established 1949)
P.E.O. Program for Continuing Education (established 1973)
P.E.O. Scholar Awards (established 1991)
P.E.O. STAR Scholarship (established 2009)
P.E.O. Foundation (established 1869)
Cottey College (established 1884)
Connect with your International P.E.O. sisters on FACEBOOK

For a quick link to the International P.E.O. Magazine (The Record) - click the button below

Delaware's State Cottey College Scholarship Fund
Funds are available for a “ Look and See” visit to Cottey College for qualified prospective students. In addition, Delaware State P.E.O.’s have created a scholarship fund to assist qualified candidates.
Details on both funds and qualification information can be found by emailing us from our contact page and asking for info from the current Delaware State Cottey College Chair

Education a woman's way: Learning collaboratively; taking the lead; getting a world view; making life-long friendships.
Click the button to the left to be directed to the Cottey College website

Delaware P.E.O. Meeting Times and Dates
Chapter D
Time: 12:00 PM Meeting 1:00 PM
Meetings: September-May, Second and/or Fourth Mondays
Chapter E
Time: 12:00 PM
Meetings: Second Thursday of each month,
Chapter G and meeting at 12
Meetings: Second Wednesday (April-September) and the 2nd Saturday (October- March, except November when it meets on the 1st Saturday.
Chapter H
Meetings: Mondays, September through June, as suggested by the Yearbook
Committee and voted on by the members.
Chapter I
Time: November thru February Generally, 1st Saturday morning:
9:00am Social, 9:30am Business
March thru October Generally, 2nd Wednesday evening:
6pm Social, 6:30pm Business
Chapter J
Time: 2:00 PM
Meetings: April through September at 6:30pm and October through March at 2:00pm. Second Tuesday of each month and the fourth Tuesday of March and September (no meeting in December)
Chapter K
Time: Program 7:00 PM, 2nd Thursdays, April-November,
Program 10:00 AM, Saturday, December-March
Meetings: Immediately following the program.
Chapter L
Time: 12:00 Noon Lunch followed by Meeting and Program
Meetings: Second and Fourth Thursdays in March, September and October.
Second Thursday in January, February, April, May, June.
Chapter M
Time: 6:30 PM Social. 7:00 Program. 7:30 Meetings. All months except
10:00 AM Social, 10:30 Program. 11:00 Meeting in Nov. Jan. Feb. on the 3rd Saturday of each month
Meetings: Immediately following program
Chapter N
Time: 7:00 PM Gathering, Refreshments
7:15 PM, Program
8:00 PM, Meeting
Meetings: Second Thursday of each month
Chapter O
Time: 6:30 PM Gathering, Refreshments
7:00 PM Program
7:30 PM Meeting
Meetings: 3rd Wednesday of each month
State Officers

President - Mary Kegelman (G)
V.President - Charlot Sanders (I)
Organizer - Maureen Miller (N)
Treasurer - Kathy Mann (L)
Secretary - Karen Danke (G)